Friday, January 7, 2011

Nothing Tastes as Good as Thin Feels :)

So I did my first weigh in since last week and I have lost 5 pounds! The workout was really hard this morning since I am getting over this sickness going around, but to see that re-energizes me for the day!! One of the ladies from Fit Body Bootcamp was telling me her success story and said she started her weight loss journey with Weight Watchers and that the saying that stuck in her head from Weight Watchers was "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" and it is so true! I was thinking back on the last time I dropped a pant size and thought about how many people I called to tell them (some of you can speak to that) and how I talked about it for days, and thinking back on it.....I have never tasted something so good that I had to call my mom and best friend just to tell them about it. Thats a saying I think I am going to take to use when I am thinking I can slip just today and start back on it tomorrow or next meal. I have come to the realization that even at my goal weight I am going to always have to watch what I put in my mouth, this is not to be a temporary change but a monumental life change :)